The Takeover- Laz Lorenzo
Its the takeover! That's right. I thought I would give you all a break from the "clever" musings of GD. That last one he had was a little bit too much for even me. Now he claims he is too busy working on some other loser's story instead of pumping out my return for all of you.
Since GD is asleep at the controls, I thought I would take over the seat at the spaceship's panel and bring some enlightenment to your lives. Instead of mulling over the effed-up political landscape or rehash how disappointing people can be. I thought I would discuss a very, very serious topic... who is actually the best superhero?
They are all annoying. They all cause damage and refuse to pay for it. They all live by some kind of "code" or ethical stance that holds them true to who they claim they are. An they all wear costumes even though some of them don't have a secret identify. Silly shit.
Well, here's my list of the best of the worst. Don't @ me
10. Rogue- Yeah, she's in another universe, but I'm breaking all walls in this one. I love the accent. Took Carol Danvers' powers. Ran with the the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and the X-Men. Yeah, Good ol Anne Marie is good with me.
9. Charles Xavier- Professor X. I mean, who wouldn't like the guy? Not only is her the world's most powerful mutant, he's a teacher who takes in wayward kids. He started the most prolific superhero team of all time? And he stayed friends with they guy who was constantly trying to do him in. That's a friend. Rafi-like.
8. Wolverine. I'm going to get off the X- Men, I promise. I just noticed as I was typing this right now, there were three in a row. All a coincidence. Weapon X. Healing power. Calls people 'Bub.' Smokes Cigars. That's a hero.
7. Moon Knight. The costume was fire. Ex- CIA agent turned mercenary, turned moon minion. Split personalities. A white guy in a white hood that black people don't have to be afraid of.
6. Luke Cage. Power Man. Bullet Proof. Super Strength. Patrolled Harlem. Went from a brotha with a tight fro in the 70's to a brotha with a clean shaved dome. But he kept that chain link to do damage. Seeing someone like him growing up makes a world of difference.
5. Batman. Yes, Finally I moved into the other universe. Batman is on my list although is is not really a superhero. But is is a damn good detective with a damn good back story. The man has everlasting anguish and takes it out on the criminal underworld. You have to respect that.
4. Wonder Woman. I mean, who doesn't like Diana of Themiscyra? If you don't please seek help. She has the " Lasso of Truth." Great hair. She even stole Superman from Lois Lane. Gotta love that.
3. Spiderman. Peter Parker from Queens. 'With great power comes great responsibility.' The greatest assortment of villians this side of Batman. Had a suit with webbed armpit wings. Even had a black suit for a time. Then there is the Miles Morales version. Nuff Said.
2. Black Panther. The man is a King. T'Challa is in charge of the most technologically advanced country on the face of the Earth. His suit is fire. He married Storm. Another hero that mean so much to a generation of people. Wakanda Forever.
1. Daredevil. That's right. Matt Murdock is my number. The dude is blind and beats the tar out of people. His suit is fits his theme. I have loved these comic books since I was 5 tears old. And most importantly, he's an attorney, so of course I'm going to love him.
Those are my top ten. I'm sure many of you will read over this list and say. Laz, There is a glaring omission on this list. Well, I'm here to tell you there is not. This is my list and ain't no way in hell that dude will ever make it on my list. PERIOD. I'll be back.
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